Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Here is the start.... of a knitter's life

Well, that is not quite true. Life was there.....thanks to my wonderful  and patient parents!!!

Then at some point my inspiring Mum did teach me to knit: the first ever project was completed in french knitting, a long easy cord! Quickly followed by a scarf, in plain knit.

As it turns out, my son loves french knitting, and so far has probably created different cords, upto 5 meters - you read correctly- long. Some have quite vibrant colours.... he fell in love with fluorescent wool (you did not know this existed, did you????)

Given this is my first post - and I only set the site up about 10 minutes ago... a photo of one of those cords or the above wool will have to wait due to me wondering whether I can really share such a "taste", would not want to start life here on the wrong note, you see....

Anyway, best I go to complete my daily rows of knitting so I maintain some degree of sanity... more on that tomorrow, I think - you do get the drift.

Quote for the day:
Go after the rewards of success, not away from the penalties of failure.     (adapted from D.S.Ward)